Welcome to the Llanwarne Agricultural Society
LAS Members pic...

The society is based in and around Llanwarne in South Herefordshire, and is run by a committee consisting of farmers, the ladies committee, other members living in the area and our very capable secretary.

The objectives of the society, founded in 1943, are to promote and improve agriculture for the benefit of the public, and for its activities to be carried out within 15 miles of Llanwarne Church. To this end, we hold an annual ploughing match, sheepdog trials and farm competitions. The ladies’ committee, now fully integrated into the general committee run various activities in the marquee on match days and produce excellent catering, together with organising social occasions and fund raising activities, ranging from quiz nights to treasure hunts.

The ploughing match takes place in early September and includes modern and vintage equipment, together with several horse teams. The crop and livestock competitions are judged, earlier in the summer, by visiting members of another society, and the day ends with a good meal in the local pub.

Fund raising includes a race night in the winter in a local village hall and a summer barbecue.

Committee meetings are held in the Harewood End Inn where are very well looked after by the hospitable staff.

For all enquiries please contact our secretary on :

07866 011 182

01981 580 515